HHS 401

Students CHHS First Year Students
Semester Fall 
Credits 1-2 credits depending on major or Undeclared
Grading CR - Pass/Fail 
Instructor ACE Team
Time Varies by section - see yourschedule for confirmation

The first-year experience ACE seminar will: 

  • Offer discussion prompts and activities to develop a strong community of learners.  
  • Assist students with navigation of academic and co-curricular resources. 
  • Help students develop or strengthen skills in active learning, reflection, and decision making.   

Students are expected to: 

  • Participate as an active member of a diverse CHHS community of learners. 
  • Identify and utilize various campus resources available to them. 
  • Practice inclusive classroom discussion and collaboration. 
  • Develop and/or strengthen skills in areas such as time management, informed decision making. 
  • Reflect on their first semester experience and articulate their goals. 
  • Successfully explore major and career options. 

Course Structure:

Major section: Meets once weekly for 50 minutes run by an ACE Team member and your ACE Peer Mentor.

Undeclared section: Meets once weekly for 1 hour and 20 minutes run by Danielle LaPointe and your ACE Peer Mentor.